Monday, 1 November 2010

Citrus Gets Bigger

Earlier in the year I wrote that to keep up with demand,  Citrus was growing. At long last we now have our second state of the art dental  surgery up and running. Iain Swan the  full time dentist in our Edinburgh Dental Practice is joined by Maria Ertz and Martynas Ziskas. Together they provide  full time care in the second treatment room and we hope very soon to be able to add a third.

Citrus Dentistry is about people so we try very hard ot make sure that you see the same dentist at every visit. We are working flat out to make sure that we have lots of available appointments so that we can continue to welcome new patients who wish to join us and  register with an NHS Dentist in Edinburgh.

At the moment our dental list has around 400 spaces available, so to reserve NHS Dental Practice memebrship just visit our on line reservation web site.